Period Calender

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<title>Ovulation Predictor Calc in Vue</title>

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<h1 class="title is-1">Ovulation Predictor Calculator</h1>

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<div class="content columns level is-centered
" v-if="!calcReturned" key="calendar">

<div class="column is-one-third level has-text-centered ">
<p class="subtitle">Please select the first day of your last menstrual period:</p>
<vuejs-datepicker :inline="true" v-model="date">{{ date }}</vuejs-datepicker>

<div class="column is-one-third has-text-centered level">
<p>Usual number of days in your cycle:</p>
<div class="select is-primary">
<select name="days" v-model="cycleSelected">
<option v-for="n in 45" v-if="n >= 20">{{ n }}</option>

<div class="level-item">
<button class="button is-large is-primary is-rounded " id="calculate-btn" @click="startCalc(); calculateFertileBegin(); calculateFertileEnds(); calculateDueDate();">Calculate</button>

<div class="content has-text-centered" v-else key="result">

<p class="subtitle">Here are the results based on the information you provided:</p>
<p>Your next most fertile period is <strong>{{ fertileFrom }}</strong> to <strong>{{ fertileUntil }}</strong>.</p>
<p>If you conceive within this timeframe, your estimated due date will be <strong>{{ dueDate }}</strong>.</p>
<div class="level-item">
<button class="button is-large is-primary is-rounded" id="resetCalc" @click="resetCalc">Calculate Again</button>


<div class="notification is-full">*Average length will vary by woman. **A woman's best days to conceive can start at least one day prior and last at least one day after fertile date.



Staysure® has been in India since 2015

Since then we have been striving to build a healthy relationship between a young girl and her periods so that they can continue to pursue their dreams. We offer superior and comfortable protection experience to give peace of mind during their periods

  • Quality & Safety

    We have always believed in providing highest levels of quality and safety to our consumers

  • Superior Protection

    Enabling women to feel comfortable during periods – both physical and emotional so that they can focus on what matters to them.

  • Social Responsibility

    We are always pushing our selves to improve – our products, our communities and our impact on the planet.