Puberty can feel odd. Your body is going through so many changes you may not know how to deal with them. To top that off, not all adults know everything about puberty. They’ve all gone through it, but they might not have had someone around to explain it to them. So no matter what your age and what stage of life you’re in, we at Stay Sure have compiled these questions to help you understand your period and female puberty better.
- Why Do My Breasts Hurt During My Period?
Breast soreness around the time of your period is called Cyclical Mastalgia. It occurs due to fluctuating hormone levels in the body. The two hormones that fluctuate are estrogen and progesterone. The first makes the breast ducts enlarge while the latter causes milk glands to swell. You may feel tenderness, throbbing, aching, burning or even a stabbing pain in and around the breast. Typically, the pain occurs before the onset of your period and you feel relieved when you start menstruating.
- Why Do Periods Hurt So Badly?
Painful periods are called Dysmenorrhea. Not everyone has painful periods and the severity of the pain varies from person to person. When you’re menstruating the uterus sheds its inner lining. Pain occurs because the muscles in the wall of the womb are contracting. The cramps are caused by prostaglandins. If there are more prostaglandins, the pain is more severe. However, prostaglandins are also released from the body. As they are released, the pain subsides. There’s not much one can do for the main except manage it with home remedies. If the pain doesn’t allow you to carry on daily activities, consult your doctor.
- Why Do I feel Bloated during My Period?
Many people experience bloating during their period, and while it’s common to think that your entire body has bloated, it mostly occurs in the breasts, face, abdomen, legs, ankles and feet. Bloating occurs because the hormonal changes in the body, make your body retain more water. It doesn’t help that craving for junk food at this time also increase. Junk food is high in sodium. When you eat more salt, your body automatically retains more water, adding to your bloating.
- Why do I Have Food Cravings When I’m on my Period?
There are a number of reasons why this could happen. The first is the change in hormone levels that lead to sugar cravings. The second is a drop in the levels of Serotonin. Serotonin is the feel-good chemical in your brain. When this drops we tend to crave sugar and carbohydrates, since carbohydrates are used to make Serotonin. Eating smaller meals through the day and more complex carbs (which take longer for your body to absorb will help reduce the cravings.
- What Colour Is Period Blood?
Period blood ranges in colour from bright red to a dark brown to an almost bluish-black shade. Don’t let this startle you. The blood changes colour according to how long it has been exposed to air. It’s a bit like a regular wound. The first time you see the wound it might be bright red in colour but then the next day the blood may look brown. With period blood though, exposure occurs within the uterus itself. So if the blood has been in the uterus for longer, it will be darker in colour. The colour of the blood also indicates hormone levels. For example a purplish colour could indicate too much estrogen. The variation in colour is usually nothing to worry about.
- Is it Normal to have Irregular Periods?
Usually your menstrual cycle will take a couple of years to settle down. It is quite normal to skip periods or have irregular periods initially. If you don’t get your periods for more than three months, consult a doctor. Similarly, if you get your periods more often than once in three weeks, you should consult a doctor.
- How often should I change my pad?
There is no hard and fast rule to this and most often it depends on personal preferences. It is however important to maintain good hygiene during your period. If your pad feels wet and saturated, it is time to change it. Even if you haven’t bled all day, but have worn the pad, it is advisable to change it. For most people, a change once every 4-8hours usually works. As you try different pads, you will understand your requirements. Pads come with different absorption capacities as well, such as our range at Stay Sure which caters to every kind of flow from heavy to spotting.
Understanding your period leads to better menstrual management and better menstrual hygiene. With the Stay Sure range of pads you can be assured of 24*7 protection from messy periods.